Fellowship Openings
Positions for the 2017 Treatspace Fellowship Program are available in:
Content Development
Students interested in more than one of these fields have the option to select “rotational” on their applications. During the course of the 6-month period, a rotational Fellow spends time in all departments.
Specific Qualifications
Content Fellows absorb everything they can about a diverse array of topics in medicine and then write instructional material for providers and patients.
Strong writing skills
Analytic and spatial abilities
Intellectual curiosity, creativity, flexibility
Ability to work in a fast-paced, collaborative, deadline-based environment
Excellent communication skills and professional demeanor
Proven record of academic achievement
Marketing Fellows are responsible for framing Treatspace’s image and value to clients through advertising, sales support, and public relations.
Strong writing ability
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Demonstrated time-management and organization skills
Ability to think strategically to develop marketing plans
Proven record of academic achievement
Other beneficial qualifications:
Coursework or experience in business or communications
Experience interacting with clients
Technology Fellows are an integral part of the Treatspace team and are responsible for developing simulations and interactive experiences using a variety of tools like Python, Django, Ajax, Javascript, and XML.
Ability to quickly solve technical problems independently or in small teams
Ability to communicate effectively with other team members and with clients
Experience in Ajax, Ruby on Rails, Java or an equivalent development language
Proven record of academic achievement
How to Apply
Apply for our fellowship below by providing the following within one PDF (with multiple pages):
A one-page resume and cover letter that tells us why you are qualified for this position and tells us what your provider should change to make her or his practice website better (please be thorough and outline your ideas in a clean, scan-able format)
A paragraph detailing the best medical practice website you have seen in the last 12 months
A paragraph suggesting an innovative design concept that we should consider when working with our medical practices
A paragraph-length anecdote discussing your interest/passion for healthcare
Explain your reasons for wanting this fellowship and state your availability. Attach your unofficial transcript, portfolio/writing samples, and URL submissions (if applicable)